Lawyers handle tons of private information daily; confidentiality is an important tenet of this profession. Clients should be assured that whatever they tell their lawyer is safeguarded using a client-lawyer privilege. Unfortunately, we have seen increased data breaches in this field, which further puts the client’s sensitive data at stake.
Cybersecurity is a priority in most law firms, and it is hard not to see why. Law firms have become a target for hackers, as they have valuable information. Below we discuss the top tips to enable your law firm to improve its cyber security.
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Develop Cyber Security Awareness
Attorneys spend many years learning and studying law intricates. This knowledge is vital when representing different clients, as it assists you in looking out for their interests. Knowledge is the first step when improving your cyber security.
Law firms should build cyber situational awareness, as it enables them to determine threats whenever they occur and mitigate them best. Firms with a good understanding of the IT environment will detect these threats in the beginning stages before they affect operations.
Cyber threats are not the same, but they share exact elements like smartphones and desktop computers. Achieving CSA entails creating a perspective that will enable you to come up with the best approach to your firm’s security.
Use Strong Passwords
Strong passwords are at the frontline for improving your organization’s cyber security. These passwords prevent hackers from stealing private information regarding your operations and clients. Law firms should use passwords with a blend of lower and uppercase numbers, letters, and keyboard symbols to prevent data breaches.
Besides a strong password, law firms should also use multi-factor authentication, as it adds a defense layer. Users must provide various authentication factors to access an account after MFA is enabled, including;
- Unique passphrases and passwords
- Unique biometric characteristics
- Hard or soft tokens.
Back-Up Your Data
IP and data are important for your firm’s operations. Ransomware attacks have become a massive concern in most law firms, and even the smallest attack might make huge information amounts inaccessible.
Law firms should take their time to back up their sensitive data in external drives or a safe location to keep it accessible in case of an attack. Routine data backups enable you to recover data easily with the least downtime.
Update Your Software Often
Another top cybersecurity law firm tactic is to update and patch your software often. Hackers are consistently looking for techniques to compromise your defense, and they can get access to your data if your software is not constantly updated.
Software updates are applied to an operating system or software to improve performance and fix bugs. However, patches are different in that they address any vulnerabilities detected by the developer.
Law firms should ensure they apply patches immediately; they appear to minimize security gaps, thus improving cyber security.
Use a VPN
VPN stands for virtual private network, and it is an excellent way to avoid information breaches in your cybersecurity law firm. Firms that access their data using shared connections are more exposed to data breaches.
A VPN is important when using public Wi-Fi, as it secures and encrypts your connection. This VPN further keeps your data safe, preventing a data breach.
Consider Security Awareness Training
The biggest cyber security threats fool clients into opening malicious files or links using social engineering tactics, and phishing has become a major threat in the law sector. Attackers then access IP after phishing becomes successful and can stage an attack on your firm.
These attackers mainly target busy firms, but you can avoid them by incorporating security awareness training in your staff. Firm owners should learn the different social engineering threats and educate their employees on what to do after an attack.
Delivering classes on the best cyber security practices to your employees is important, as it develops a strong security culture in your company, thus preventing unwanted attacks.
Final Thoughts
Cybersecurity has become a major concern for top law firms, and it is hard not to see why. These institutions have become a target for hackers, and the above article has discussed everything you need to know about cybersecurity law firms.