Have You Ever Heard of The Simming Prize?

If you are reading this blog post, it wouldn’t be wrong to assume that you don’t know much about the simming prize, or maybe you don’t know anything about it at all. Well, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, as just like you, many other people might also be completely clueless about this prize.

But the good news is that it’s never too late to learn. You can gather all the information about the simming prize that you can. We have shared some details regarding this prize in this blog post. If you are someone who loves to carry out exciting activities online, then simming might be the right option for you. We will cover what simming exactly means in the paragraphs ahead.

However, you must know that in order to understand simming and the simming prize properly, you should learn about them thoroughly. Along with theoretical knowledge, you also need to gain practical exposure. You should try your hands at simming.

What is the Simming Prize? Who Gives It and Who Gets It?

Officially known as ‘The Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis’, the Simming Prize is an award that is given to the individuals and organizations within the simming community. As the name suggests, this award is given in the memory of Seth Cotis. This prize was created in the year 1999.

If you are wondering, ‘Who is Seth Cotis’, let us tell you that he was a famous personality in the world of simming. He started his career in simming in “United Space Federation”, which is a simming group based on Star Trek. Then, he founded the “Starfleet Legacy Alliance” (SLA), which is a large simming organization, on October 1, 2000. He worked as the head of SLA until the year 2005.

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Later on, Seth Cotis became the president and the chief magistrate of the “Simming League”, which was an intersimming organization open for membership to all simmers and online role-players. It’s worth mentioning here that the Simming League was the oldest intersimming organization that has ever existed.

Now, if you are thinking, ‘Who gives the Simming Prize?’, the answer is none other than the Simming League. Therefore, after the death of Seth Cotis in 2005, the Simming League started honoring Seth Cotis through the Simming Prize by renaming the prize.

Currently, the administration and other matters related to the Simming Prize are handled by a group of trustees as the Simming League has stopped operating. The latest Simming Prize event was held in the year 2021. Up to five Simming Prizes are awarded each year.

Now, talking about the recipients of the prize, let us tell you that the Simming Prize is awarded to people or entities. The entities can include games, clubs, and organizations. Individuals and entities who win the Simming Prize can use the title ‘Simming Prize Laureate’.

What Exactly is Simming? Why Should You Know About It?

Simming is an online role-playing game that is played online via different mediums, such as email, a chat room, and an Internet forum. It is a text-based game as players have to write stories. You might have guessed by now that players in simming are usually those who have a passion for or interest in writing. Players need to write stories and develop characters by using their creativity and imagination.

An individual game in the world of simming is known as a ‘Sim’. A sim is written by several players. People who play simming are known as ‘Simmers’. At the beginning of a sim, a simmer shares a story. Other simmers join him and give their own twists and turns to the original story. They even say how various characters might respond to a given situation. The player who begins the story is called a ‘Host’.

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Usually, experienced simmers become hosts. A player who becomes a host of a sim organizes and leads it. In some sims, two players become hosts. They are called a ‘Host Team’. In the case of many sims, hosts are known as ‘Game Masters’. Players who are designated as game masters have to create a story and decide the result of events happening in the game.

So, by now, it must have been clear to you that sims or text-based role-playing games are not dependent on any script. A sim that had a cheerful beginning could end in a sad ending and vice-versa. 

Some sims are also based on historical times, fictional universes, and other themes. Just like there are organizations for professional sports and fantasy sports, organizations have also been set up for simming. These organizations schedule and hold sims regularly. They create a proper structure to ensure that the sims are held smoothly. Simming organizations even provide training to the new players.

Final Thoughts

The Simming Prize can be given to both who have made a significant contribution once or over a duration of time. Getting this award is a matter of respect for the recipients.