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How to Make Your Own Baby Food?

A baby’s appetite solely depends on breastfeeding and formula milk until he/she turns 6 months. After 6 months, the baby tries eating solid food. Solid and lightly custardy food. In this article, I’ll share different food recipes with you all. You can try making this food which is highly nutritious, easy to make for you little one. You can make these recipes in just a few minutes. You may question that, when can babies drink water? Well, you can give them small amounts of boiled water when they turn 6 months old.

So without blabbering much, let’s get started au pair services with the article.

Flax Veggie Mix

This dish is super easy to make and you can make this with only two ingredients. This tastes good and is highly nutritious. You can make this in just 5 minutes.

Ingredients –

Flax seeds

Vegetables of your choice. Here we are using peas, potato,es and carrots.

Preparation –

For this recipe, you can use any Vegetables of your choice. But it’s better to change the combination of vegetables each day, and like this, you can try different Vegetables so that your baby can try a variety of vegetables and can get the nutrition out of it. Your baby will get the phytochemicals that are needed.

Clean the Vegetables properly and cut them into small pieces. Now steam the Vegetables properly. If you are making this for a 6-7 month old baby, then make a puree or a smooth paste out of it. If you are making this for 8-9 months or slightly older children, in that case, mash the vegetables with a spatula.

Now roast approximately 6-7 tablespoons of flax seeds for a few minutes on medium flame. Make fine powder by grinding the roasted flax seeds and using them for a week or 3-4 days.

Sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of flax seed powder over the pureed vegetables and feed your child. Also sprinkle some salt to add taste.

Moong Sprout with Vegetables

Make this recipe which is rich in protein and vitamins. Let’s take a look at the recipe.

Ingredients –

1 cup green gram

1 cup millet

1 vegetable of your choice

Sesame oil/coconut oil

1 pinch of Turmeric powder

1 pinch of cumin powder

Mustard seeds are just few

Preparation –

Soak green gram for one whole day; decide beforehand if you want to prepare this meal. The next day, you’ll notice little sprouts coming out from the dal. Now prepare the millet using 2 cups of water for 1 cup of millet in a 2:1 ratio.

Now cook any vegetable of your choice, here we used carrot. Cook it together with sprouts. Cook till it turns soft. If your baby has just started eating solid food, then depending on that, make the food in a mash form so that it’s easy for them to break down and gulp.

Now add oil to a pan. You can use sesame oil or coconut oil, which depends on the availability. Now add mustard seeds, And add the cooked millet and sprouts and vegetables. Add salt, turmeric, and cumin powder. Mix well, and there you go! Your dish is ready. This is a wholesome meal, so you can feed your child this as lunch or dinner.

Rice – Vegetable mash

This one is quite popular cause it’s so easy to make and how quickly you can prepare this.

Ingredients –


Vegetables – peas, carrot, beans


Preparation –

First, wash the vegetables properly and steam it until and unless it gets soft.

Boil some rice and wait till it gets really soft and mushy.

After the vegetables get boiled, mash the vegetables properly and then add a pinch of salt and mix it. Now add rice and mash it with a spatula as well.

Now the mixture is mushy enough. There you go! Your mushy rice is ready.

Brown Rice Cereal

Again a very easy cereal-like recipe that is easy to make, and you can prepare it really fast. You can make this from scratch, and you don’t need any additional ingredients, to be honest.

Ingredients –

½ cup of brown rice

4 cups of water

Preparation –

The preparation is so easy that you would love to do this rather than buying cereal from outside. This is so easy to make, and you can literally make this in a large batch and use it whenever you feel like it. Now let’s take a look at the preparation.

Add the uncooked brown rice in a blender or milling machine and bring out finely powdered brown rice. Now you can keep the other batches and use ½ cup of milled brown rice powder and add to a pan. Add 4 cups of water and bring it to a boil.

Boil it for 20 minutes. Check the consistency, and if you want, you can add more water, or you can leave it like that.

Now serve the cereal and feed you, baby. Check the temperature before feeding your baby, so you don’t burn their mouth.

Chicken Stew

This recipe is completely baby friendly, so you don’t need to worry about anything else. This is easy to make, and it’s a Wholesome dish for you baby.

Ingredients –

Chicken boneless pieces



Olive oil

Chopped onion, carrot, Yukon potatoes



Preparation –

First, you need to wash the chicken thoroughly and bring it to a boil. After its boiled, in a pan, add olive oil and add the chicken pieces, chopped onion, chopped Yukon potatoes, carrot, and saute for a bit. Add water and bring it to a boil. Add salt and turmeric powder and mix it. Let it boil, though. Next, you need to make a puree out of it.

There you go. Your baby chicken stew recipe is ready to be served.

Final Thoughts

By following these recipes, you can easily make these dishes from scratch.

Now it’s time to wrap things up, guys. I hope you liked this composition, and for further such content, subscribe to our newsletter and comment down below if you have any queries. Till the next time, take care.

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